Each session with Benson is carefully tailored to a clients individual needs. 

Benson emits energy from his hands and directs his hands to specific areas of the body. His hands will never touch a client and will remain a few inches away from the body. Most clients feel a deep relaxation after only a few moments. Some people feel heat or tingling.

At the beginning of a session, Benson will usually have a client sit in a chair and help the client ground themselves and become physically more present. He'll then teach a powerful visualization called the pyramid of protection which helps get a client centered and feeling safe and protected.

Then a client will be asked to lay on their back on a massage table. Benson will direct his hands to areas of the body that are in pain or challenged by a specific illness. When Benson's hands are at a close proximity , he usually hears what is "going on" inside.

He may hear certain limiting beliefs, or negative emotions and he is directed intuitively to ask questions that help a client focus on specific issues or emotions that he/she is experiencing that may be causing physical or emotional discomfort. 

In addition to emitting energy from his hands, Benson also chants specific ancient chants to help promote well-being and to remove negative energy and limiting belief systems. Since Benson is also a gifted spiritual life coach he is able to help clients see themselves  and their situations in a new light which helps them transform very quickly.

Benson has a variety of other channeled techniques to help clients regain a flow of love and health. He will use the specific techniques that he feels will be most beneficial during each individual session.
Benson also will give each client some spiritual "homework", actions to take during the week to help accelerate the emotional or physical healing process.


“He's an amazing Jewish Shaman whose hands feel like the warmth of the sun...”



  • to experience a deep relaxation and lasting sense of peace and well-being

  • to attract love

  • to increase confidence

  • to increase the flow of money and abundance

  • to clear limiting beliefs and negative patterns


Benson has helped clients with such physical ailments as cancer, migraines, chronic illnesses, recovery from surgery, stomach issues, etc to a range of emotional concerns such as anxiety, insomnia, depression, addiction, etc.

Clear Limiting Beliefs!

Transform Fear Into Love!